My review of ONE PIECE MANGA CHAPTER 974 ONWARD TO ONIGASHIMA!!Moreover, "One Piece" chapter 975will reveal the traitor who has been feeding Orochi with vital information that led to Oden's death and arrest of the nine scabbards in the past Of CourseDon't spoil us plz but whoever the traitor is needs to get killed idc abo

Denjiro S Whereabouts Kyoshiro S True Identity Revealed In One Piece Chapter 973 Epic Dope
One piece denjiro traitor
One piece denjiro traitor-One Piece Episode 990 is set to release on Sunday 5 September 21 at 930 AM JST on Crunchyroll & Netflix The title of episode 990 is "Thunder Bagua!While the "Denjiro is Kyoshiro is the Witching Hour Boy" revelation is what most people are talking

One Piece Reveals Kyoshiro S True Identity And Origin
One was named Koshiro and the other was named Denjiro Denjiro was born a few seconds after Koshiro hence the "jiro" vs "shiro" suffixes (jiro implies second son, while shiro implies third son) Kozaburo took his younger son with him to the East Blue, and left his older son behind after learning that Denjiro's eyesight would hinder his ability to become a great swordsmanA Reddit user believes that solving the real identity of Kyoshiro might also mean solving the identity of the traitor, which might hopefully happen in "One Piece" chapter 973 or later chaptersOne Piece Manga Chapter 974 has finally revealed the Traitor lets see what all happened But before this contains spoilers Those who are on anime I suggest please don't go ahead If spoilers don't affect you then you can proceed So Now in the One Piece Manga, we've been hearing about this traitor thing from Zou arc Till now we didn't
4 Denjiro Denjiro was one of the first people to join Kozuki Oden on his journey to becoming Kuri's Daimyo, along with Kin'emon Throughout most of the Wano Country arc, he hid his real name and posed as Kyoshiro Denjiro's strength is great enough to cut through a large galleon with easeFirst of all I would just write off the possibility that️ PATREON https//wwwpatreoncom/zhoniin ️ TWITTER https//twittercom/ZboyShonen ️Get Anime Merch here http//bitly/ZhoniinAnimeMerch Use c
One Piece Chapter 973 Release Date and Updates Oden Informs Orochi About Raid of Onigashima By Steven Smith One Piece 981 Release Date, Chapter Spoilers, Manga Raw Scans Advertisement The upcoming chapter 973 of 'One Piece' is supposed to finish with the depiction of the flashback and the the centre of focus would be again the present situations ThisWe start off this chapter with a flashbacks to a few months ago, with Orochi freaking out that Toki's powers are actually real and Kin'emon's group have been transported into the present day from the past,↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol 93 Chapter 941 (p ) and Episode 938, Mt Atama is set aflame ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol 93 Chapter 942 (p 10) and Episode 940 ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol 94 Chapter 943 (p 3, 8) and Episodes 940–941 ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol 94 Chapter 945 (p 1213) and

Denjiro 12dimension

Denjiro One Piece
One piece who is denjiroOne Piece, Chapter 973, confirmed the fact that Kyoshiro, Denjiro, and the Witching Hour Boy are the same This revelation has positive implications for the fight against Kaido, with the Renaissance team having a spy in the enemy ranksOne Piece Chapter 973 Title The Kouzuki Clan SCANS ONE PIECE CHAPTER 973 QUICK SUMMARYOne Piece Reveals the Shocking Identity of Major Wano Traitor By Nick Valdez 0814 pm EDT One Piece 's Wano Country arc took a brief detour from the third act with aOne Piece, chapter 974, titled "Onward to Onigashima, "reveals the traitor's true identity Kanjuro, one of the nine red scabbards, is one who betrayed Oden, his vassals, and the entirety of Wano He did this because he is actually of the Kurozumi clan The chapter starts with a chat between Kaido and Orochi about the person who has beenIf you haven't caught up yet on the latest manga

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Speculations So It S All Denjiro S Plan Worstgen
The scans also reveal that "One Piece" Chapter 973 would unmask the true identity of Denjiro, a subject that many fans have been arguing about since Kaido hinted about the traitor at the KuriGiven the things we know the traitor revealed to the enemy and the timeline of events Kanjuro is the one that makes most sense, he was probably a traitor even before the time jump So let me go over a few points 1Jack learned 2 things from the traitor how to get to Zou and the fact that Raizo was there Back when this was revealed most people suspected that a mink was a traitor,Hopefully this helps those with doubts regarding the traitor Denjiro (cleared) he isn't even in the present story and is no where to be seen, therefore he couldn't have been the one to betray the Straw Hats and the alliance Unless Oda pulls something random or completely out of the blue, then Denjiro will stay cleared for now Inuarashi and Nekomamushi (cleared) because of what

Chapter Secrets Special A Crazy Theory That Came To Mind At 2 Am The Library Of Ohara

Who Are The 9 Samurai In One Piece Quora
Kanjuro is revealed to be the one providing Orochi with information about the alliance's actions His inability to draw was just an act This "who is the traitor" guessing was so much fun Oda left lots of hints about who is the traitor and lot of stuff to mislead There were hundreds of theories but youIn chapter 961, we saw a 'money making' trait in Denjiro, which may tell that Kyoshiro and Denjiro are actually a same person On top of that, With his current position as Wano's Yakuza and has Orochi's trust, he in the right place to give false advise to Orachi (1) 'Killing' Hiyori/Komurasaki (2) Have the idea of the picture puzzle and advise Orochi to take action to the allianceHence Kyoshiro is a good guy And a good guy with such an important role would be none less than one of the Nine Red Scabbards, ie Denjiro by deduction Then for the traitor plot to come to a conclusion, the revelation must be shocking or it is of no use And greater the trust, more impactful the revelation Hence, the traitor must be one of the Nine Red Scabbards You can also make

Who Is The Traitor One Piece Chapter 955 Review

Kyoshiro Twitter Search
By In nintendo r and d;One Piece 973 has revealed the true identity of Kyoshiro!Denjiro is a samurai from Wano Country and one of the Nine Red Scabbards who served as Kozuki Oden's retainers After becoming griefstricken over Oden's execution years ago, Denjiro's appearance changed and he started going under the name Kyoshiro With this new identity, he became a yakuza boss and recruited followers to form the Kyoshiro Family Eventually, he started

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Denjiro S Whereabouts Kyoshiro S True Identity Revealed In One Piece Chapter 973 Epic Dope
Denjiro is actually working with the Traitor and they have their Reasons I doubt it's the second one, simply because Kaido & Orochi seem to trust this Traitor Info so much that they were ready to move all their Army based on his Leaks, and i don't see how Kaido & Orochi can do that if the identity of Traitor was a Mystery to them tooI think Chapter 962 further strengthen the idea that Traitor is either Inuarashi or Nekomamushi because we all expected that Traitor SubPlot would be hinted at in this Flashback and now we've seen how all Scabbards joined Oden and Oda showed that in few Panels But Chapter ending with Inuarashi/Nekomamushi arriving at Wano shows how they have their own SubPlot Oda couldKawamatsu the Kappa is a Japanese puffer fishman who is a yokozunaranked sumo wrestler As a child, he was shipwrecked in Wano and orphaned soon afterwards After Kozuki Oden rescued him from citizens ostracizing him, he went on to serve as one of Oden's Nine Red Scabbards until Oden's death years ago After spending 7 years watching over Oden's daughter Hiyori,

What Are Your Thoughts On The Reveal Of Who Denjiro Was In One Piece Do You Think The Anime Spoiled It Quora

Speculations Is Kyoshiro Really Denjiro What If He Is Oden S Son Page 2 Worstgen
One Piece Review Traitor's Requiem One Piece, Chapter Review More One Piece!For a couple of years, the One Piece community has been wondering which character among the alliance could possibly be the traitor As it turns out, it was the obvious answer, Kurozumi Kanjuro Kanjuro never inherently gave off traitor vibes, but his weird demeanor never made him a fan favorite and this lack of emotional attachment made him easy pickings for the traitor fan theoriesHere Comes Kaido's Son!" The episode is directed by Tatsuya Nagamine and written by Atsuhiro Tomioka One Piece Episode 990 will be released on other time zones at – India – 230 AM IST

Nine Red Scabbards One Piece Wiki Fandom

10 Popular One Piece Theories That Turned Wrong Netral News
One Piece Chapter 974 manga One Piece Register Forum Rules FAQ Members List I wonder if Denjiro knows that Kanjuro is the traitor Being so close to Orochi, he probably does Kinda weird place to reveal it, but at least that's out of the way now We are going to Onigashima finally knowing who's friend and who's foe And the auction trio is together again at last!'One Piece' Chapter 962 Spoilers Oden's Motivations For Taking Over Kuri Photo Instacodez Fans have long doubted Kanjuro's silent personality, and much earlier claimed that he is the traitorDenjiro, Kyoshiro, and the Traitor Theory spoiler Close 13 Posted by 1 year ago Archived Denjiro, Kyoshiro, and the Traitor Theory spoiler Click to see spoiler 28 comments share save hide report 79% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by best level 1 1y I don't think any Mink are traitor here They're so proud

Do You Think Denjiro In One Piece Is Actually Zoro S Old Master From His Childhood Quora

Analyzing All The Possible Traitors Of Wano One Piece
The story has come back to real time!We going back to the present b, it's fireeee Instagrams @borgless @youngalobe TWITTER @beezyborg @youngalobeWE DO NOT TAKE OWNERSHIP FOR ANY OF THE VIDEOAs the muchawaited Wano Arc continues, the One Piece series has revealed the powers of all members of the Akazaya Nine They are a squad of nine retainers of the Kozuki Clan who served Kozuki Oden and are the strongest group of samurai in the Land of Wano After Oden's death, they dedicated their lives to restoring peace in Wano by defeating Kurozumi Orochi and the Sea

One Piece Chapter 975 Release Date Spoilers Denjiro Will Save Momonosuke And Capture Kanjuro

One Piece Chapter 973 Release Date Raw Scans Death Of Toki And Denjiro Is Kyoshiro Identity Revealed
One piece 974 revealed the true identity of the kozuki clan traitor, "evening shower" kanjuro and the reveal took my breath away one piece chapter 974's tre– use code memes for an extra 10% discount ($99)!cover page gotti from fire tank pirates saves chiffon from the marines;I doubt it He tookAs posted on Reddit forum for "One Piece" chapter 974 spoilers, Denjiro decided to serve Orochi so he can have a position where he could hurt the Shogun when the time comes He may also be

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Denjiro Theory Onepiece
Now that the anime had officially wrapped the final moments of the Oden Flashback arc with theKyoshiro / denjiro matter get resolved in any way we will know how komarasaki/ survived kyoshiro attack the identity of the traitorif Kyoshiro still villain then zoro vs kyoshiro full fight the raid will fail leading to grand war in all of wano notAs we move towards the greatest War after Marineford, the Wano War is revealing many forbidden secrets that will send shiver down the spine of most One Piece watchers This post will explain whether Kanjuro is a traitor, and if yes, why did he betrayed everyone and virtually soldoff entire Kozuki Clan SPOILERS!!

Who Betrayed The Kozuki Family One Piece

One Piece Traitor Theory 972 No Scabbard No Toki Hiyori Conspiracy Thriller Bark
Denjiro in his undercover alias as Kyoshiro is one of the major character of One Piece Wano Country Arc He is one of Kozuki Oden's retainers After escaped the Kozuki Family's castle, he managed to gain Orochi's trust to become his subordinate as a spy for the Kozuki family to overthrow him and Kaido He is voiced by Daisuke Kishio Denjiro is loyal to Kozuki Family andDenjiro vs the Traitor Discussion spoiler Close 9 Posted by 10 months ago Archived Denjiro vs the Traitor Discussion spoiler Hello, the traitor has finally been revealed in the last chapter and I can think of no perfect opponent for him other than Denjiro It is my personal wish and I do also theorize that Denjiro is going to be the one that cuts down Kanjuro The two traitors, oneOne Piece Chapter 955 Review One Piece Chapter 955 was a great chapter for me The chapter gave us a lot of interesting information As we learned from the previous chapter Orochi learned that Udon has been compromised and Hiyori is still alive and in the Northern graveyard This puts her on the opposite direction from

Denjiro S Identity Another Proof Onepiece

Grantsylvania Himbony Of The Night Standout Panel This Is One Of Those Wow This Is Painfully Obvious But I Can T Deny That It Worked Kind Of Things Denjiro Returning
One of the biggest revelations in One Piece chapter 973 is the confirmation about Denjiro being Kyoshiro If this chapter teaches us something, it is that we can be right with our hunches That means we can also be right about one of the longest hunch or theories about the traitor in the alliance One Piece chapter 973 and previous chapters showed us more about Oden's Nine RedSharing what I compiled regarding Denjiro, TLDR is that Kyoshiro = Ushimitsu Kozo/Witching Hour Boy = Denjiro, it's a rather well known theory often thrown around, some swear by it, some dismiss it immediately, please read and discuss!Denjiro is the traitor Theory Denjiro/kyoshiro i belive they are the same person and the reason is simple Yori is still alive Until now, Oda never told nothing of him and yet is one of the top Vilans Why?

Theory The Leak From Zou To Wano Page 2 Mangahelpers

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One Piece revealed the identity of the traitor hiding in Wano with the newest episode of the series!One Piece Chapter 975, Read One Piece 975 Spoilers, Release Date Chapter 974 came out earlier and it was a fantastic chapter that is able to link up almost every "puzzle" from the beginning of this Wano arc After this chapter, fans are stunned with the traitor revealNO WAY (KYOSHIRO) WAS DENJIRO ALL ALONG😭 AND THE TRAITOR IS ONE OF THE AKAZAYA 9?!

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最も選択された One Piece Denjiro Manga
In the previous chapter, we learned that Denjiro disguised himself as Kyoshiro In One Piece 974 spoilers, the real traitor is revealed Over the weeks and months of speculating who the traitor is, fans agreed on two main suspects, Raizo and Kanjuro Well, One Piece fandom was not wrong One Piece 974 spoilers reveal that Kanjuro was the traitor after all How Kanjuro became the traitor OneAfter leaving kawamatsu, yori met with denjuro and together, make a plan to take their Revenge no matter the sacrifice Hiding in plain sight, gaining their confidence by giving↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol 80 Chapter 803 (p 35, 1213) and Episodes 752–753, Kanjuro and his allies begin ascending the elephant's leg ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol 80 Chapter 804 (p 26) and Episode 753 ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol 80 Chapter 806 (p 34) and Episode 755, Kanjuro using Nekozaemon to climb

One Piece Chapter 973 Release Date Spoilers Kyoshiro Or Denjiro Is The Past And Present Traitor One Piece Chapter One Piece Manga The Past

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This time covering the presentday chapters Chapter 674 Onward to Onigashima!We are back to present day Wano, Kin'emon is leading the charge on Kaido's base, OnigashiNow extending the theory of internal conflict Orochi fears the scabbards as we saw in act 1

The Year Master Plan The 2 Traitors Of Wano One Piece

Kurozumi Kanjuro One Piece Wiki Fandom
If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New But well, it meant a lot more than the real betrayal by a character we had never seen before of a character we'd only seen a couple times By the time the rest of the group reached Oden Castle, it was set ablaze by Kaido He was onlyWho is the Traitor?Raizo one piece traitor;

The Year Master Plan The 2 Traitors Of Wano One Piece

What Are Your Thoughts On The Reveal Of Who Denjiro Was In One Piece Do You Think The Anime Spoiled It Quora
Or more deeper question would what does he have to lose?The reason denjiro who didn't travel to future may still be in hiding could be to fish out the traitor Maybe he figured out that one of the scabbards is a traitor and so, got into the inner circle of orochi What motive would a traitor have?Wano Traitor is Finally Revealed!

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Momonosuke's attempt to escape from Kanjuro to be shown in "One Piece" Chapter 985, according to spoilers The upcoming chapter would reportedly show some scabbards reuniting with DenjiroOne piece chapter ワンピース 974 live reactionfinally!I agree with Kanjuro being the traitor and here's my list of reasons why I believe he's the traitor I find it very strange how Kanjuro is the only scabbard other than Denjiro(who we still don't know where he is) that got the least focus, Kanjuro was the second one introduced after Kin'emon and before Raizo yet characters like Raizo, Ashura Doji, and even Kawamatsu have all so far gotten

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